Dear Future Inspirationalist,
We have some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news. If you were looking for a typical careers page with job listings that allow you to do a standard application with a simple click of the button then we are NOT the company for you. Next, the good news. If you are excited at the prospect of doing something entirely different to get a job then you may be a perfect fit for the InspireHUB family!
Some more good news. We are not like other companies and that starts with how people end up with jobs at our company. We made a realization that we spend more time with the people we work with than even some of our loved ones. So getting to know people is really important for us. Those who have ended up joining us did a few things that really stood out. For example, they didn't let the lack of a job opening stop them from getting our attention. They also connected with us online, made us laugh and really engaged with us.
If you are "one of us" then this approach appeals to you. If you are frustrated that we aren't offering you a place to send your resume or further directions then we can assure you that we wouldn't be a place you would enjoy working. :-)
See you soon!
Your future Teammates.