IHUBApp Blog

Great trials create great leaders.

Written by Karolyn Hart | 4 May, 2021


The harsh reality is that we only know what we are really made of as we endure great trials. The true test and character of a person isn't who they are when things are going their way, but who they are when everything is going wrong.

I've seen leaders be instantly formed as they stepped in to fill gaps. They didn't have the title, but they had the influence, and they lead their people to great success.

Pressure reveals the inner character to the outside world.

  • Like the person who conquered a figurative and literal mountain despite their fears and went on in life to achieve career heights they didn't think they could.
  • Like the warrior who took the diagnosis of cancer as a battle cry to live every single moment to their fullest and to help others do the same.
  • Like the quiet administrator that everyone underestimated who went on to be elected and served their constituents faithfully for years.

Those are all real people I know. It wasn't the trial that produced their character; it was the trial that revealed their inner strength.

The one thing we can all be certain of is that we will face trials, and it's up to us to determine the rest of the story. Make it count!





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The Ultimate Small Business Survival Guide is Here

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Lead an Inspirational Remote Work Culture that Employees Love!

At InspireHUB, we get it. We've been a 100% remote workplace for more than 7 years, and are the first to admit we were UN-InspireHUB while we learned to grow into it.

because we saw so many people struggling as they've had to adapt to this new way of working overnight.

Here's how you can use it to grow YOUR small business too ...

Included in this FREE Guide:

  • Why your remote team is experiencing fatigue.
  • Understanding how leaders and employees have vastly different remote experiences.
  • The lines you cannot cross with employee privacy when working remote.
  • How to gamify your remote workforce.
  • The rules of virtual engagement when it comes to working remotely.
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