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What small business owner inspires you? We'd love to feature them on the Big on Small podcast!

Written by Sue Braiden | 25 September, 2020


When you think of small business owners, who inspires YOU the most? Small businesses account for more than 99% of businesses in Canada and the U.S.. They are the lifeblood of our economy, and ground zero for reinvention at a time when a year of crisis on every front continues to test our mettle.

Finding the best resources and ideas can feel like drinking out of a proverbial fire hose. Sometimes a quick dose of inspiration in the words—and voice—of some of the ordinary people who have done extraordinary things can be a welcome lifeline!

We love to celebrate those everyday champions on “Big on Small”, the official small business podcast powered by InspireHUB and are inviting you to nominate a small business owner that inspires you to be a guest on the show.

Has someone shared a few great ideas that helped you grow your own business or shore up your post-pandemic business continuity plan? Did you find courage and hope in the story of someone that found a way to survive and thrive against the odds? Did you read about a pandemic pivot that led to a small business not only reinventing in an unusual way but blazing a trail of innovation in their community at the same time?

And maybe that someone is—you?

Tell us who you think we should feature next on ...


Big on Small: The Official Small Business Podcast


Do you remember where you were when you first had the dream of building your small business?  How the mere thought of it sparked an excitement and a future filled with hope?  Where were you the first time you sat down and began to take the action to implement your dream?

The journey to launching your own business is unique to every business owner, but we have so much in common. In the early days of creating your business, everything feels fresh and exciting regardless of whether your network of friends and family are supportive and telling you that you are absolutely ‘crazy’. 

Deep down, you knew one thing for sure. There was a moment you stepped out in faith and realized there was no going back. The reality is that there is nothing easy about the process of creating and launching a small business.  At InspireHUB, we know that 90% of businesses are small and helping YOU become successful has a direct impact on creating a healthy community, town, city, country and economy! That’s why we created the Big on Small Podcast,   the official small business podcast that is fully focused on the running of small organizations.  Join us and learn more at: bigonsmall.biz


Call us or leave a message in the feedback box below.
1-844-967-CHAT (2428)


If you have a small business question that needs answering or want to show some love to a small business in your life, call and leave a message on the Big On Small Hotline at 1-844-967-CHAT (2428) or visit the contact page here.


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