IHUBApp Blog

3 Things You Can Do to Boost Communications with Non-Desk Employees | InspireHUB

Written by Karolyn Hart | 21 May, 2019

Looking for ways to cultivate better communications with your non-desk personnel? They're often the members of your team most at risk of being left out of important conversations. These 3 "best practices" can be game-changers!

How do you improve internal communications with non-desk employees?


Try these 3 things ...

1. Use the right tool.

Some employee apps use traditional technology. The problem with this is that they are only available in an "app store" for certain devices. You need a tool that works on ANYTHING so you don't leave any employee out. Additionally, it needs to be really easy to use, easy to get notifications from, and it must have great security.


2. Adopt a BYOD policy.

It's imperative you have this in place no matter what solution you are using (unless you are provisioning everyone with their own company controlled-device.)  Much has changed in Ops, and the issues once experienced by organizations can be managed now with a proper policy and tool.  (We provide a sample BYOD policy to our clients if they haven't created one yet for their organization.  Tap us on the shoulder if you would like a copy.)


3. Ask your MOM. :-)

Before you invest any money in a tool or policy, it's essential to do a review of why you're looking into this solution in the first place. Sometimes what clients think is a communication issue is actually just a management issue. No tool, process, or policy is going to resolve an operational problem. (You can read more about that here.)


Having the right tool makes ALL the difference! This 5-minute video explains how we help organizations ensure ALL of your staff are "in-the-know."


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