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Consumption for the Masses-Royalty Gets Snackable Content | InspireHUB

Written by Linda Lord | 12 April, 2016

On a recent trip to England, I made an interesting discovery. The Queen of England uses snackable content. Well, maybe she doesn’t in her official duties, but the audio guides at Windsor Castle offer bite sized bits of information to educate visiting tourists and your organization may benefit from the strategy.

Shorter bits of information keep people moving. Windsor Castle is a busy place. For pedestrian traffic flow, you don’t want long explanations about each room and every bit of furniture. Most people want just enough information to learn a little something and then continue their exploration. Short commentaries ensure that people feel educated while moving them along. Your organization probably knows that your audience members are busy folks and they don’t have all day to watch or read your content. They want to learn something about you and keep moving.

Bite sized morsels whet the appetite. There are several book stores and souvenir shops on the grounds that sell more in-depth accounts of the castle for those who are looking to know more. The audio guides stimulate curiosity with the shorter content and then a longer version is available for those who want to continue their quest for information. Your organization can accomplish the same goal by developing intriguing content snacks that encourage people to take action and have a more in-depth appreciation of who you are and what you do.

Snackable content provides additional bite sized opportunities. Sometimes there was more to say about the castle than a single commentary could provide, but rather than making it longer than 1:20, a supplementary section was provided for those who wanted just a bit more detail. In this case, the option to hear more still preserved the first two considerations of keeping people moving and whetting the appetite. Because the audio was supplementary, it could be listened to between rooms; brilliant. Your organization can create several pieces of snackable content and link them as supplements to one another or use them independently for the benefit of looking for a deeper understanding.

Whether or not the Queen of England knows exactly what is going on with her audio guides, like any good leader, she understands the power of effective communication and engagement.  And like her, the leadership of your organization can capitalize on the value of snackable content.