IHUBApp Blog

How Important Is an App to Your Charity or Non-Profit? Report Says 'More Than Water'!

Written by Karolyn Hart | 17 April, 2015

Water is a pretty important part of our existence as humans. In case you hadn't heard, up to 90% of our body weight comes from water. Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive, a universal fact understood by most with the exception of app users.  It's hard to imagine but the 2013 Mobile App Behavior Survey produced by Apigee showed that 85% of users would rather give up drinking water than delete all their apps!

In 2013, smartphone growth raced ahead at a record pace.  Worldwide there are 6.8 billion mobile subscribers. Gartner's predictions for 2014 shows mobile technologies trending.

So how does all of this impact your Worthy Cause? Simply put, the easiest way to reach and engage the members that support your Worthy Cause is through mobile.  Consider that you are reading this post through InspireHUB's very own IHUBApp (Yes, we are also customers of our own product!)

What we've discovered is that snackable short content that is specifically is specifically written for mobile and distributed in a web app works.  How do we know?  You're reading this now!