June 17, 2016


20 Ways Online Meetings Are Changing the Face of Business [IDG Whitepaper presented by Cisco]

Jun 17, 2016 11:20:00 AM / by IDG

Karolyn Hart, COO of InspireHUB was featured in the IDG Whitepaper presented by Cisco "20 Ways Online Meeting Are Changing the Face of Business" as one of their top industry leaders on how online meetings have transformed their business. Below is the excerpt from the Whitepaper:

9: There are new rules and etiquette for virtual work Work in enough corporate offices and we all quickly learn there are some accepted and often unwritten rules of engagement. For example, don’t disturb an employee if his or her door is closed. And if you have a sensitive issue, don’t send an email. Walk over to the employee’s office and have a conversation ‘face to face.’

Given that virtual employees don’t have doors, nor can they just walk to anyone’s office, the rules for engagement are rarely if ever known. To get ahead of what would probably lead to a pile of miscommunication, Karolyn Hart (@Karolynhart), COO, InspireHUB, creates a rules and etiquette guide for all employees who use online meeting software. Here are some of her guidelines:

  • If you’re working hard, close your virtual door by letting people know you’re busy. If the project is intense and you can’t be bothered unless it’s an emergency, go into ‘bunker mode.’ 
  • For sensitive and crucial conversations, don’t type—upgrade to a video chat. Too much can be misinterpreted in text-only communications. 
  • For virtual employees, there’s often one open channel for general chatter. That’s great for catching up or trading jokes, but it shouldn’t be used for critical business operations. In those cases, set an online meeting and invite all necessary parties so the content is captured apart from the noise. 

Download the Complete IDG Whitepaper Now!

Topics: team building, local government apps, American Paint Horse Association, Billy Smith, event apps, remote office, rules of engagement, remote workplace, virtual workplace, change, insights, collocated teams, offsite staff, collaboration software, collaborative technology, productivity, employee engagement, internal communications, tips, video, innovation, relationship building, trends, corporate communications, corporate culture, company culture, white paper, best practices, leadership development, transformation, business tools, thought leaders, leading edge, whitepaper, success strategies, practical tools, digital engagement, online meetings, industry leaders, guidelines, Cisco


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