IHUBApp Blog

9 Signs You Need Help with Engagement Strategy | InspireHUB

Written by Kelly Holt | 13 September, 2016

Creating authentic audience engagement can be challenging. It helps to identify what your goals are and what issues your organization faces. Once you have the basics written down, you can ask yourself whether your communication and engagement initiatives are performing well enough, or if you need to refocus your resources or seek outside help.

Here are nine tell-tale signs that your organization needs help with engagement.

  1. If you’re already running engagement campaigns but haven’t set clear desired goals.
  2. If you are sending outreach campaigns with more than one message or ask your audience for more than action.
  3. If you’re making requests and starting campaigns before you have the resources to follow-through and achieve your goals.
  4. If you have a website, but that’s all (no social media or mobile app).
  5. When you struggle to retain your current audience and supporters, so you’re constantly focused on attracting new donors, sponsors and fans.
  6. When you have lots of followers and “fans” but your audience isn’t liking, commenting, sharing or posting your content and news.
  7. If you try to manipulate your audience into donating or acting through guilt or tricky marketing tactics.
  8. If you’re sending messages and communicating to your audience but don’t offer a feedback loop for them to ask questions.
  9. If you identified your target audience, but haven’t researched their behavior or perspectives (we call it theirFAB VIEWS).